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IARC Summer School – Testimonials 2021

Conducted 100% online, the IARC Summer School 2021 ended on 9 July after 8 weeks of intense learning and collaboration. This unique edition gathered 75 participants representing more than 40 nationalities. Watch some of the participants presentations providing a glance of the diversity of profiles and backgrounds of the selected participants. The self-recorded testimonials also reflect the spirit of the IARC Summer School: experience sharing, learning and international networking for cancer prevention across nations.







Other quotes and written testimonials from our participants:

in the module “Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology”

“I left IARC Summer School 2021 as a different person and I acknowledge this will be a landmark in my professional research career.” Maya Basbous, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.

“The IARC 2021 summer school was a great learning experience for me. I met great scientists and experts, and at the end of this summer school, we had the opportunity to present a group work where we could apply all that we learned and get feedback from experts in the field.” Emine Koc, Univerity of Glasgow, Scotland.

An extremely well-organized course, proficient and experienced scientists, current and informative topics!” Natalia Zlygosteva, Yekaterinburg Medical Research Center, Russia.

in the module “Implementing Cancer Prevention and Early Detection”

“The course was really outstanding and enlightening. I believe I consolidated many important aspects of cancer control strategies and learned how to apply this knowledge. The staff was really helpful and kind and gave their best to provide a comprehensive course. Mission accomplished!” Sheila Coelho Soares Lima, Researcher, Brazilian National Cancer Institute, Brazil.

The Prevention module was exactly what I needed at this point of my career. The course was well organised; the learning platform, facilitation and navigation of the virtual classroom was brilliant. I had lots to learn and the energy brought about by the course facilitators and participants made learning and networking easy.” Patricia Rantshabeng, Laboratory Scientist, University of Botswana, Botswana.

“IARC has provided a lifetime opportunity to budding cancer professionals to build their expertise in cancer control.” Qudus Lawal, Senior Registrar, Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Nigeria.

“My perspective of cancer diagnosis and treatment was completely changed from single individual in clinic to population at risk in community.” Manoj U. Mahajan, Director of Oncology Services, Pacific Medical College Hospital Udaipur, India. 

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